Please note: any Ordinances under the “Upcoming” section are for resident reference only and have not yet been voted on or passed by Council. These are draft copies and are not considered legislation until they are passed and signed.
Related Documents
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- Upcoming Ordinances for March 24, 2025 Council Meeting
- 2025 - Ordinances
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- Ordinance 2025-03 - Cranberry Lane Area Pavement Improvements Change Order Number 1
- Ordinance 2025-04 - LCPC Agreement for the Administration of Floodplain Regulations
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- Ordinance 2025-11 - West North Bank Storm Sewer Change Order Number 3 - AMENDED
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- 2024 - Ordinances 51-70
- Ordinance 2024-51 - Amending Permanent Appropriations Ordinance 2024-10
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- 2023 - Ordinances 01-50
- Ordinance 2023-01 - Enter into Contract with ADR for Engineering Services
- TABLED - Ordinance 2023-02 - Repeal and Replace STR Ordinances to Establish Short-term Rental Business Regulations
- FAILED - Ordinance 2023-03 - Establish Municipal Income Tax
- Ordinance 2023-04 - Amending Zoning Code & Ordinance 2021-49 Re Mobile Modular Homes
- Ordinance 2023-05 - Estimated Revenue
- Ordinance 2023-06 - Amending Temporary Appropriations Ordinance 2022-52
- Ordinance 2023-07 - ADR Contract for N Bank West Stormwater Drainage Project
- Ordinance 2023-08 - 2023 Permanent Budget
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- 2023 - Ordinances 51-68
- TABLED - Ordinance 2023-51 - Providing for Tax Payments to Licking Township
- Ordinance 2023-52 - Adopt Planned Mixed-Use District Article 14
- Ordinance 2023-53 - AMENDED - Amending Permanent Appropriations Ordinance 2023-08
- Ordinance 2023-54 - Creating the Buckeye Lake SR79 Incentive District
- Ordinance 2023-55 - Amending Permanent Appropriations Ordinance 2023-08
- Ordinance 2023-56 - Estimated Revenue
- Ordinance 2023-57 - Amending Permanent Appropriations Ordinance 2023-08
- Ordinance 2023-58 - Renaming of 8th Street to Wellsley Court
- Ordinance 2023-59 - Enter into Contract for Indigent Legal Counsel Services
- Ordinance 2023-60 - Amending Ordinance 2022-56 Short-term Rental Ordinance
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- 2022 - Ordinances 01-50
- FAILED - Ordinance 2022-01 - Contract w Neighborhood Strategies, LLC for Consulting Services
- FAILED - Ordinance 2022-02 - Enter into Contract with OHIO ROW CONSULTING
- Ordinance 2022-03 - Enter into Contract with ADR for Engineering Services
- Ordinance 2022-04 - Enter into Contract with ADR for 2022 TAP Application
- Ordinance 2022-05 - Amending 2022-2023 Pay Plan (Ordinance 2021-70)
- Ordinance 2022-06 - Amending Temporary Appropriations Ordinance 2021-67
- Ordinance 2022-07 - Amending Ordinance 2021-67 Temporary Appropriations Ordinance
- Ordinance 2022-08 - 2022 Permanent Budget
- Ordinance 2022-09 - Amending 2022-2023 Pay Plan
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- 2022 - Ordinances 51-58
- Ordinance 2022-51 - Amending Permanent Appropriations Ordinance 2022-08
- Ordinance 2022-52 - 2022 Temporary Appropriation Ordinance
- Ordinance 2022-53 - Amending Permanent Appropriations Ordinance 2022-08
- Ordinance 2022-54 - Authorizing Mayor to Enter into Contract w Licking County for Indigent Legal Counsel Services
- Ordinance 2022-55 - Amending Ordinance 2016-17 Regarding Provisions of the IPMC
- Ordinance 2022-57 - Amending 2022-2023 Pay Plan
- Ordinance 2022-58 - Amending Permanent Appropriations Ordinance 2022-08
- 2021 - Ordinances 01-50
- Ordinance 2021-01 - Approving Contract With Woodland Timber Framing for Mill Dam Pavilion Project
- Ordinance 2021-02 - Municipal Bridge Project Right-Of-Way Easement grant
- Ordinance 2021-03 - Approving Contract With ProCon Professional Construction Services INC
- Ordinance 2021-04 - Authorizing the Mayor to enter into contract with ADR Associates LTD for Park street retaining wall replacement
- Ordinance 2021-05 - ADR Associates LTD for Village Municipal Complex development
- Ordinance 2021-06 - Amending Temporary Appropriations Ordinance 2020-65
- Ordinance 2021-07 - Authorizing the Purchase of a Police Cruiser from the City of Whitehall
- Ordinance 2021-08 - 2021 Permanent Budget
- Ordinance 2021-09 - Authorizing the Mayor to enter into contract with OHIO ROW CONSULTING
- Ordinance 2021-10 - Amending Ordinance 2021-08 Permanent Appropriations Ordinance
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- 2021 - Ordinances 51-70
- Ordinance 2021-51 - Amending Permanent Appropriations Ordinance 2021-10
- Ordinance 2021-52 - An Ordinance to Dispose of Village Property
- FAILED - Ordinance 2021-53 - Moratorium - Short-term Rentals Extension
- Ordinance 2021-54 - Authorizing Mayor to Sign Agreement with Traveling Clerk
- Ordinance 2021-55 - Authorizing the Mayor to Enter into an Agreement with the LCPC for the Administration of Floodplain Regulations
- Ordinance 2021-56 - Amending Permanent Appropriations Ordinance 2021-10
- Ordinance 2021-57 - Authorizing the Mayor to enter into contract with Architects
- Ordinance 2021-58 - Approving Trash Collection Bid and Authorizing Contract
- Ordinance 2021-59 - Additional Estimated Revenue
- Ordinance 2021-60 - Additional Estimated Revenue
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- 2020 - Ordinances 01-49
- Ordinance 2020-01 - Mayor's Appointment of an Interim Clerk Treasurer
- Ordinance 2020-02 - Mayor Agreement with Visiting Clerk to Provide Training for Interim Clerk Treasurer
- Ordinance 2020-03 - Mayor's Appointment of New Prosecutor Solicitor and Contract Execution
- Ordinance 2020-04 - Approving Change Order #3 for Highland Ave Drainage Project
- Ordinance 2020-05 - Amending Permanent Appropriations
- Ordinance 2020-06 - Authorizing Purchase of New File & Exchange Server
- Ordinance 2020-07 - Vacating Easement
- Ordinance 2020-08 - Contract w/ ADR for Construction Process for ODOT Bridge & Sidewalk
- Ordinance 2020-09 - Amending Permanent Appropriations
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- 2020 - Ordinances 50-69
- Ordinance 2020-50 - North Bank East Stormwater Improvements Project Bid Awarding and Contract Execution
- Ordinance 2020-51 - LCounty Agreement for Administration of Floodplain Regulations
- Ordinance 2020-52 - Amending Permanent Appropriations
- Ordinance 2020-53 - Amending Permanent Appropriations
- Ordinance 2020-54 - Amending Permanent Appropriations
- Ordinance 2020-55 - ADR Contract - Master Plan Development of Walnut Road Future Pedestrian Paths
- Ordinance 2020-56 - Additional Estimated Revenue
- Ordinance 2020-57 - Amending Permanent Appropriations
- Ordinance 2020-58 - Additional Estimated Revenue
- Ordinance 2020-59 - Amending Permanent Appropriations
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- 2019 - Ordinances 01-50
- Ordinance 2019-01 - Authorizing the Mayor to enter into contract with ADR & Associates LTD for OPWC Highland Ave Stormwater Improvements
- Ordinance 2019-02 - Authorizing the Mayor to Enter into Contract w Ohio ROW Consulting for Management of the ROW Program
- Ordinance 2019-03 - Authorizing the Mayor to Enter into Contract w ADR & Associates, LTD for ODOT Project Development Process
- Ordinance 2019-04 - Amending the Lease Agreement for 5186 Walnut Road
- Ordinance 2019-05 - Amending Temporary Appropriations Ordinance 2018-49
- Ordinance 2019-06 - Amending Temporary Appropriations Ordinance 2018-49
- Ordinance 2019-07 - Amending Temporary Appropriations Ordinance 2018-49
- Ordinance 2019-08 - Amending Temporary Appropriations Ordinance 2018-49
- Ordinance 2019-09 - Amending Temporary Appropriations Ordinance 2018-49
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- 2019 - Ordinances 51-54
- Ordinance 2019-51 - Permanent Appropriations Ordinance
- Ordinance 2019-52 - Amending Permanent Appropriations Ordinance 2019-14
- Ordinance 2019-53 - Amending Permanent Appropriations Ordinance 2019-14
- Ordinance 2019-54 - Enter into a Temporary Agreement w Rochelle Menningen to Process Employee Payroll for the Village
- 2018 - Ordinances
- Ordinance 2018-01 - FAILED - Amended Version Village Employee Pay Levels 1-3-2018
- Ordinance 2018-02 - Amending Permanent Appropriations Ordinance 2017-19
- Ordinance 2018-03 - FAILED - Amending Permanent Appropriations Ordinance 2017-19
- Ordinance 2018-04 - Approving, Adopting, and Enacting the 2018 Edition of the Model Ohio Municipal Code
- Ordinance 2018-05 - Execute a Contract Between ADR & Associates for Land Surveying, Civil Engineering, and Construction Administration Services
- Ordinance 2018-06 - Establishing Base Rate Charges Relating to the Stormwater Management Utility
- Ordinance 2018-07 - Enter into Agreement with a UAN Visiting Clerk to Act as Interim Fiscal Officer
- Ordinance 2018-08 - Enter into a Purchase Agreement with ODNR to Purchase Property at 4831 Walnut Road
- Ordinance 2018-09 - FAILED - Rescinding Ordinance 2017-24
- Ordinance 2018-10 - FAILED - Amending Ordinance 2017-03 and Establishing New Water Rates and Collection Guidelines for Village Water Distribution System
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- 1990 Ordinances
- Ordinance 1990-01 - Annual Appropriation Ordinance
- Ordinance 1990-02 - Issuance of $18,000 of Notes by the Village for the Purpose of Paying Part of the Cost of Acquiring a Building for Municipal Offices
- Ordinance 1990-03 - Adopt the 1990 Replacement Pages for the Model Ohio Municipal Code
- Ordinance 1990-04 - Amending Ordinance 1987-13 by Changing the Location of Public Posting Places Within the Village
- Ordinance 1990-05 - Authorizing an Agreement to Cause the Village to Become a Member of the Ohio Municipal League Self-Insurance Pool
- Ordinance 1990-06 - Amending the Property Maintenance Code of the Village by Modifying Existing and Adding New Code Sections
- Ordinance 1990-07 - Regulating the Placement, Continued Existence, and Physical Dimensions of Fences, Walls, Hedges, and Other Obstructions
- Ordinance 1990-08 - Budget for the Year 1991
- Ordinance 1990-09 - Establishing an Auxiliary Police Unit for the Village
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- 1989 Ordinances
- Ordinance 1989-01 - Annual Appropriation Ordinance
- Ordinance 1989-02 - Issuance of $20,000 of Notes by the Village for the Purpose of Paying Part of the Cost of Acquiring a Building for Municipal Offices
- Ordinance 1989-03 - Vacating a Fifteen Foot Wide Alley in the John Myers Cottage Addition
- Ordinance 1989-04 - Vacating a Twenty Foot Wide Street in the Susan W. Neel's Allotment Addition Adjoining Buckeye Lake Park & Second Addition of Neel Allotment Addition
- Ordinance 1989-05 - Approving, Adopting, and Enacting the 1989 Edition of the Model Ohio Municipal Code
- Ordinance 1989-06 - Ordinance in the Matter of a Bridge Replacement and Related Work Project & Request Cooperation from the Director of Transportation
- Ordinance 1989-07 - Contract with Licking County Commissioners and Disaster Services Agency to Furnish Emergency Management Services
- Ordinance 1989-08 - Issuance of $67,000 of Notes by the Village for the Purpose of Paying Part of the Cost of Acquiring a Building for Municipal Offices
- Ordinance 1989-09 - Establishing Salaries for Certain Officials and Repealing Inconsistent Ordinances
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- 1988 Ordinances
- Ordinance 1988-01 - TABLED - Levying a Tax to Provide Funds for the Purposes of General Municipal Operation
- Ordinance 1988-02 - Annual Appropriation Ordinance
- Ordinance 1988-03 - Declaring Certain Streets Within the Village One-Way Streets
- Ordinance 1988-04 - Requiring That Dogs Be Restrained, Kept in Certain Manners, Liability, and Penalties for Violation
- Ordinance 1988-05 - Issuance of $22,000 of Notes by the Village for the Purpose of Paying Part of the Cost of Acquiring a Building for Municipal Offices
- Ordinance 1988-06 - Issuance of $72,000 of Notes by the Village for the Purpose of Paying Part of the Cost of Acquiring a Building for Municipal Offices
- 1987 Ordinances
- Ordinance 1987-01 - Flood Damage Prevention
- Ordinance 1987-02 - Annual Appropriations for the Year 1987
- Ordinance 1987-03 - Authorizing the Formation of the Licking County-Wide Disaster Services Organization
- Ordinance 1987-04 - Providing for Issuance of $26,000 of Notes in Anticipation of Bonds for Paying Part of Municipal Offices Building Cost
- Ordinance 1987-05 - Regulating Traffic Flow Within the Village and Providing for Violations Thereof
- Ordinance 1987-06 - Designating the Name of a Village Street
- Ordinance 1987-07 - Regulating the Placement & Continued Existence of Fences, Walls, Hedges, & Other Visual & Physical Obstructions
- Ordinance 1987-08 - Allowing Natural Gas & Oil Corp to Maintain its Present Property & Lay Pipes to Supply Natural Gas to Consumers
- Ordinance 1987-09 - Fixing & Regulating the Price Charged by National Gas & Oil Corp & Its Successors for Gas Service
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- 1986 Ordinances
- Ordinance 1986-01 - Annual Appropriations Ordinance
- Ordinance 1986-02 - Emergency Ordinance Requesting Cooperation from the Director of Transportation for a Resurfacing and Related Work Project
- Ordinance 1986-03 - Issuance of $30,000 of Notes by the Village for the Purpose of Paying Part of the Cost of Acquiring a Building for Municipal Offices
- Ordinance 1986-04 - Village of Buckeye Lake Budget
- Ordinance 1986-05 - Making an Additional Appropriation of $8,000 to the General Fund
- Ordinance 1986-06 - Regulating the Placement and Continued Existence of Fences, Walls, Hedges, and Other Visual Obstructions
- Ordinance 1986-07 - Changing the Name of North Street in the Elliot Addition of the Village
- Ordinance 1986-08 - Issuance of $90,000 of Notes by the Village for the Purpose of Paying Part of the Cost of Acquiring a Building for Municipal Offices
- Ordinance 1986-09 - Changing the Name of Certain Streets in the Neel-Essex Addition of the Village
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- 1985 Ordinances
- Ordinance 1985-01 - Expanding the Number of Auxiliary Officers Within the Buckeye Lake Village Police Department
- Ordinance 1985-02 - Annual Appropriations Ordinance
- Ordinance 1985-03 - Emergency Ordinance Requesting Cooperation from the Director of Transportation for a Bridge Replacement Project
- Ordinance 1985-04 - Amending Ordinance 1985-02 - the Village Annual Appropriations Ordinance
- Ordinance 1985-05 - Issuance of $30,000 of Notes by the Village for the Purpose of Paying Part of the Cost of Acquiring a Building for Municipal Offices
- Ordinance 1985-06 - Authorizing the Litter Grant Supervisor to Act as Enforcement Officer Concerning the Property Maintenance Code of the Village
- Ordinance 1985-07 - Emergency Ordinance Requesting Cooperation from the Director of Transportation for a Hazard Elimination Project
- Ordinance 1985-08 - CANCELLED - Levying a Tax to Provide Funds for the Purposes of General Municipal Operation
- Ordinance 1985-09 - Changing the Procedure for Payment of Village Council Members
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- 1984 Ordinances
- Ordinance 1984-01 - Annual Appropriation Ordinance
- Ordinance 1984-02 - Amending Ordinance 1983-02 Relating to the Flood Hazard Areas of the Village
- Ordinance 1984-03 - Adopting the BOCA Basic Property Maintenance Code 1981, Second Edition, as Amended
- Ordinance 1984-04 - Establishing Procedures for Holders Who Desire to Excavate In or On a Public Street & Penalties for Violations
- Ordinance 1984-05 - Amending Ordinance 1981-04 by Changing the Location of Public Posting Places Within the Village
- Ordinance 1984-06 - ORDINANCE NOT IN BOOK
- Ordinance 1984-07 - Establishing Hours of Operation for Ryan Park and Establishing Criminal Penalties for Violation Thereof
- Ordinance 1984-08 - Permitting the Mayor to Retain All Funds as Personal Property Received by the Mayor for Performing Marriages as Mayor of the Village
- Ordinance 1984-09 - Village of Buckeye Lake, Ohio Zoning Ordinance
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- 1983 Ordinances
- Resolution 1983-14 - Repealing Resolution 1983-12
- Ordinance 1983-01 - Accepting Certain Streets Within the Elliott Addition Pursuant to Common Law Dedication and Making Said Streets the Property of the Village
- Ordinance 1983-02 - Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance
- Ordinance 1983-03 - Annual Appropriation Ordinance
- Ordinance 1983-04 - Establishing Sick Leave for the Employees of the Village
- Ordinance 1983-05 - Increasing the Salary of the Buckeye Lake Street Supervisor From $3.35 Per Hour to $4.25 Per Hour
- Ordinance 1983-06 - Establishing the Salary of the Clerk Treasurer of the Village at $2,040 Per Year & Authorizing the Current Clerk Receive the New Rate Immediately
- Ordinance 1983-07 - License and Regulate Garage Sales in the Village; to Fix the Fee for Such Licenses; to Exempt Certain Sales; Penalty for Violation
- Ordinance 1983-08 - Issuance of $125,000 of Notes by the Village for the Issuance of Bonds for Paying Part of the Cost of Acquiring a Building for Municipal Offices
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- 1982 Ordinances
- Ordinance 1982-01 - Make Appropriations for Current Expenses and Other Expenditures for 1982 and Repealling Resolution 1982-12
- Ordinance 1982-02 - Amending Ordinance No. 1981-08
- Ordinance 1982-03 - Creating the Position of Deputy Clerk - Treasurer and Appropriating Money for Said Position
- Ordinance 1982-04 - Adopting Procedures for Open Meetings
- Ordinance 1982-05 - Establishing an Auxiliary Police Unit for the Village
- Ordinance 1982-06 - Amending Ordinance 1982-01 by Transferring Previously Appropriated Funds Within the Street Dept General Fund
- Ordinance 1982-07 - Amending Section 434.03 Section C (3) of the Traffic Code of the Village
- Ordinance 1982-08 - Accepting Certain Streets Within the John H. Myers Revised Cottage Allotment From the Trustees of the Myers Civic Association
- 1981 Ordinances
- Ordinance 1981-01 - Giving consent of plowing of snow and use of abrasives for ice control under the supervision of the Director of Highways
- Ordinance 1981-02 - Granting Director of Highways authority to maintain state highways inside Village Corporation
- Ordinance 1981-03 - Granting Director of Highways Authority to maintain centerlines on State Highways inside Village Corporation
- Ordinance 1981-04 - Directing the Clerk of the Village to post copies of all ordinances; resolutions, statements, orders, proclamations, notices, & reports in five public places
- Ordinance 1981-05 - Directing the Law Director to prepare bonds and establishing the sum of bond for the officers of the Village
- Ordinance 1981-06 - Establishing an excise tax on transactions by which lodging by a hotel is, or is to be furnished to transient guests
- Ordinance 1981-07 - Emergency in the matter of described improvement (building a sanitary sewer), under the supervision of the Director of Transportation
- Ordinance 1981-08 - Establishing Rules of Government
- Ordinance 1981-09 - Setting the following Curfew for Children in the Incorporated Areas of the village
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