Storm Water Utility

What is Stormwater? 

  • Stormwater is any water from rain or snow that does not infiltrate into the ground after a storm, and instead runs along the surface of the ground. This water is pulled downhill by gravity which causes it to run over different terrains until it eventually reaches a body of water like a river, lake, or stream. Through this journey, stormwater picks up many pollutants along the way like sediment, lawn chemicals, pet waste, and more

For more information on stormwater, click here!

What is an MS4 permit? 

For more information on MS4 and NPDES, click here!

Why do we have an MS4 permit and protections in place? 

  • Stormwater accounts for an estimated 70-90% of water pollution. Water pollution includes the freshwater sources that we use as our drinking water, like rivers and aquifers. By reducing stormwater pollution you reduce drinking water pollution. Not only does polluted water affect us, but it also harms the ecosystems around us. Plants and animals rely on clean water for drinking and their habitats.

How to Report Illicit Discharge

  • An illicit discharge is any discharge that is not entirely composed of stormwater to a municipal separate storm sewer (MS4), which includes roads with drainage systems, municipal streets, catch basins, curbs, gutters, ditches, man-made channels, or storm drains that are owned or operated by any public body. When something other than clean water flowing out of a pipe or into a waterway is discovered, it is a polluted discharge.


Buckeye Lake Village Storm Water Vision Plan

Ordinance 2010-32 • Ordinance 2013-06 • Ordinance 2013-07
Ordinance 2013-25 • Ordinance 2017-18 • Ordinance 2018-06

• Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan

• Homeowner Stream Maintenance Brochure

• Stormwater Utility Development Plan w/ Appendix

• Stormwater Utility PowerPoint

• Ordinance 2022-33 - Adopting Sump Pump and Downspout Policy for the Village


Beginning in April 2019, the Village of Buckeye Lake has initiated a monthly Street Sweeping Program to remove debris that could end up in storm water collection systems. We ask that everyone please remove parked vehicles from the street curb / edge during these posted times to ensure access for the sweeper vehicle. We apologize in advance for the inconvenience. Funds for the project are provided through the village Storm Water Utility Fund.