Recent News
The Village of Buckeye Lake staff strive to keep you updated on all matters related to your community. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will gladly assist you!
Spring Clean Up
Spring Clean-up is coming! April 1st - 5th
Free dumpsters will be available for resident use during the dates and hours listed. Please be prepared to show proof of residency here in the village.
Don't forget about our local churches, food pantry, and Goodwill for items you find that can be donated!
Please note that tires were accepted for a fee in the past, however they will not be accepted this year.
Thank you for your understanding.
NOW HIRING - Street Tech II
The Village of Buckeye Lake is now hiring for the Street Tech II position.
Please see the Employment Opportunities page for the full job description and information, as well as the employment application and other employment opportunities!
Save the Greater Buckeye Lake Historical Society and Museum
Save the Greater Buckeye Lake Historical Society and Museum
On February 13, 2025, we learned that our museum has been closed and listed for sale with a realtor. We are saddened that another link to the area’s history may be disappearing. Over the years, we have seen more and more of our early days disappear from our community. Remaining in the village is the historic oldest standing structure - the Holtsberry log cabin, along with the beautiful fountain at North Shore Park that once served as the centerpiece of the midway of the Buckeye Lake Amusement Park! Hundreds of artifacts have been donated to the museum over the years and we are in danger of them being separated and possibly sold. Several years ago, a group of people dedicated their hard work and money to build the museum. Many have served and left the Board of Directors. We feel that it is very important to save our history and to let the residents of the Buckeye Lake area know that the museum has been placed for sale without public notice or discussion with the community. There is wide interest in saving the museum and it is our hope that many will join us in support.
Frozen Pipes - Locate Your Water Main Shut-Off Valve Indoors
Due to extremely cold temperatures, please be sure to locate and make sure you have access to the main water shut-off valve within your house, as there could be broken pipes.
Residents can turn off their own water at the main shut-off valve located INSIDE of the house. Please note that after-hours response could be several hours before they are able to reach your address, so please shut the water off inside of the house yourself.
Also, under no circumstances is anyone except village employees or agents allowed to access the meter pits located outside at the edge of the property. PLEASE DO NOT OPEN THE PITS! Thank you for your cooperation.
10th Annual Buckeye Lake WINTERFEST - 2025
10th Annual Buckeye Lake WINTERFEST - 2025
CLICK HERE for an interactive map around the lake for WINTERFEST 2025
One of the biggest parties of the year at Buckeye Lake, join Benny the Bass at the North Shore Boat Ramp on January 25, 2025 before the sun rises to see if he “takes the bait” and predicts an early Spring or refuses, which means 6 more weeks of winter! Regardless, celebrate Winterfest with fireworks, activities around the lake, live music, art shows, food and drink specials, food trucks, and more – held every year on the last Saturday in January.
Office Opening is on a 2-Hour Delay - Open at 10:00am
Due to inclement weather, the Village of Buckeye Lake Offices are currently on a 2-hour delay, now opening this morning at 10:00am.
Licking County is currently at a Level 2 Snow Emergency and Fairfield County is currently at Level 3 . Stay safe and stay tuned for updates in case of full closure.
Accepting Applications for Zoning and Zoning Appeals Commissions
The Village of Buckeye Lake is actively accepting applications for members of the following boards / commissions:
Zoning Appeals
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Wishing you and yours all the best this holiday season!
From the Village of Buckeye Lake
Cloudy Water
Please note: some water customers may notice cloudy or milky looking water. This is due to flushing and the water is okay to consume.
Now Hiring - Full-time Fire Chief

The Village of Buckeye Lake is hiring for a full-time Fire Chief.
11-22-24 - West North Bank Storm Sewer Project - Construction Update
11-22-24 - West North Bank Storm Sewer Project - Construction Update
Construction will continue Monday through Friday 7am-6pm
Voter Information for November 5 General Election